Sunday, 30 January 2011

I like beer. It is good.

For complete lack of a clever post title, that will have to do. I mean, it is true and all, it says everything that ever needs be said about my relationship with the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Enough horseshit, here are the beers:

There was no great process behind the selection of these particular bottles, other than I couldn't make it to Peckham's in Glasgow, my usual source of undiscovered alchoholic delights. So these were just about the only drinks I hadn't tried out of the shitty supermarket selection.

First up, or should that be furst up (yeah, I want to punch me too) is the Fursty Ferret. Ferrets kinda freak me out, I don't know why, they seem way too over-excitable and... burrow-y. Like they'd get up the leg of your jeans somehow and cause all sorts of havoc up there... anyway, what the fuck am I on about? Oh yeah, beer review. On first sip, I thought this was pretty... nothing-y. It says on the neck 'full of character' but there's really nothing here to distinguish it from any other ale, really.
Nearing the end of the bottle, and that opinion just ain't gonna change I guess. Not bad, but nothin special either.

Right, onto another 500ml-er next. Gentleman Jack? sounds a little too close to Jack Daniels for my liking, definitely not a fan of THAT particular bourbon, so here's hoping the two are entirely unconnected.
Okay, first swig... YEAH. I like this. it fizzes. it has tang, kick. heft. A real flavour to it. It's not too heavy either, like some ales, this is something I can easily see myself working through a few off in a night without feeling like it was about to start seeping out of... whatever, I'm gonna stop that right there before this gets disgusting and puts me off my booze. This is a damn good ale. Would drink again. and again. and again. until I fell over.

Next up: Savanna Dry! First impression is the smell as I pry off the bottlecap. It hits like a serious fucking gust of appley goodness. First sip? Whoah. Appley. South African apples are as potent as a fucking nuke, I;d imagine. What does that even mean? Fucked if I know. I'd just like to point out at this stage that these beers/ciders/ales, whatever, are not the first drinks I've consumed today. Yeah, again, I know, but it's a saturday and I got everything I needed to done by midday, so yeah, from about 1pm I've been steadily knocking back cheap shitty beers as an almmost warm up for these beauties.
Back to the Savanna Dry. This is quite... pungent, but not as unpleasant as that word is. It has a real odour to it, but in a nice way.

Last, but in no way least, is something I've been looking forward to... well for about 12hrs since I bought it: 1488 Whisky Beer. Whisky Beer. just LOOK at those two beautiful words, juxtaposed. Ahhh, his truly has gotta be the pinnacle of human achievement, in a bottle.
First sip: WOOOOO does that ever have a fucking kick to it! What's the percentage? ONLY 7? nofuckingway. I'm not even sure if I like this as a beer, theres no way you just sit and casually swig one of these. It does delivery on a good, strong, whisky-tinged taste though, there ain't no denying that. Urgh, there is no fucking way I'm finishing this, it's like 3am. I'm such a fucking lightweight in my old age. Moral of the story is: this beer rules, but I cannot fucking handle it right now.

Here's a song about a situation I find myself in all too often

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