I know, I know, that's an awful title, but it gives me an excuse to listen to Saint Vitus as I type this, so fuckit, it'll do.
Anyway, this will be a super-quick post because this is a super-quick snack.
Although I originally intended for this to be part of a wider range of BBQ snacks, but since no-one ever wants to hang out, grill meat and neck beers with me, I still made enough to serve about 6 people and ate them all myself.
First off, gather your VERY minimal ingredients. When I last ate this, it was made with either just feta cheese, or also using sucuk, a type of Turkish sausage. Since central Scotland isn't exactly known for it's rich Turkish culture, I couldn't get a hold of any sucuk, so substituted it for some chorizo.
Before you do ANYTHING else, turn your oven to gas mark 5, and place your chorizo in a covered dish, and let it sit in there for around 15 minutes. Next up, up dice your feta into small manageable chunks. Such a minimal amount of effort really shouldn't justify a picture, but...
Another ingredient I had to substitute is the standard filo pastry used in borëk, for the much more readily available puff pastry. No major difference, really. Anyway, lay your pastry out on some flour-covered film, and roll it as thin and flat as possible. Cut into sections about the width of a credit card.
Once your chorizo has been in the oven for it's allotted 15 minutes, remove from the dish and dice into (incredibly oily, messy) chunks. And try not to eat about half of it as you do so. I fucking love chorizo. Fun to eat, fun to say. Chorizo, chorizo, chorizo!
Anyhow... load up your chorizo and feta onto half of your pastry bases, making sure to keep the filling away from the edges, and use the other half to cover the filling, pinching the edges of both parts of your pastry to form little delicious parcels. Baste these with one single whisked egg to seal them, and glaze them with a thin layer of the egg to give them a good golden glow once they're cooked.
Lay them out on a baking tray, and pop them in the oven for around 15 minutes, turning occasionally to make sure they don't burn.
And that's pretty much it! Half an hour and you have a pretty decent portion of delicious snacks that can be kept refrigerated for days, eaten hot or cold.
I recommend hot, the gooey melted feta is just tooooo fuckin' good!
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