This is kind of a cheating review, as I've actually had a couple of these brands before, some in great quantities, some in very few. but fuck it, I like em, why the fuck shouldn't I review em?
So, here are my four choices for the evening:
People slag Corona off for being a 'girls beer' or whatever bullshit, but if you can find me a smoother beer to chug down while you eat, I tip my hat to you sir. That shit's like water, it goes down so well. people put a wedge of lime in the neck, but who the fuck actually has the time to be cuttin' up limes at home? pfft, fuck off. so yeah, chugged that down in about 5 minutes out of sheer thirst.
Second beer of the evening: Zeitgeist. As far as I know, this is a local concoction. only reason I know of it;s existence is because I've been to a few parties with the girl who designed the label. Always fun to geek out over booze and illustration with someone. so yeah, I've been promising to try this shit for over a year now, just never got around to it. It has kind of aaaaa... funky taste? like a brand of sweets I never got into, or something. either way, I'm glad this shit isn't sold in bars, I sure as fuck wouldn't oirder it.
3rd beer: Nawlins Dixie Brew. This was by far the most... delicious brew I've tasted in a long-ass time. just a really satisfying, savoury, substantial beer. i could happily demolish a 6 pack of these and feel like I'd just eaten a full meal. In fact, I pretty much might do that tomorrow night. Goddamn, back to the beer. this was a good one. look at the picture, then go try and find a bottle for yourself, then thank me.
Last beer of the evening (HA! yeah, right): Samuel Adams. I first tried this little over a year ago when i ende up in a Boston-themed boozer over in the US of A, and kinda fell in love. well, what actually happened was I got drunk as all hell & had to be 'escorted outside', but that's besides the point. Basically, this is a reeeally smooth, slightly funky beer that's incredibly 'more-ish', and reminds me of excellent times with my best friends. so yeah, deliciousness combined with nostalgia is definitely a winning combination!
so there's how I spent my friday night, chugging down brews on my own, laughng at terrible movies and wishign i had better friends to drink with. Now go get fucked up, you cunt.
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